Chicken Chase is a 3D action game where the player plays as a chicken protecting their chicks from a fox. The player is playing as a chicken bringing back their chicks to the campfire while escaping from the fox.
Game Play
Player can control the perspective and movement of chicken with a camera that follows the mouse/trackpad and the "WASD" keys. Player interacts with other character objects (chicks and fox) in game through distance detection and particle system (shooting bubbles at fox). 
The player's objective is to explore the map and collect 7 chicks in total and return to the starting point. The chicks have distance detection; they will start following the player once player is within range.
The fox is the active constraint following the player. If player is caught by fox (collision between fox and player) before objective is reached, a game over scene will appear.
Once player completes objective, a game sucess scene will appear with a retry option.

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